Be Happy

Be Happy
Watercolor by Renee Locks, from Brush Dance

Friday, November 21, 2008

It's Friday Again

Friday again; tonight I give myself another shot of PegIntron. En garde, virus! You don't hold all the cards anymore.

Tired, tired, tired of being tired - but it's all for a good cause.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

And More Patience

Ribivarin depletes iron quickly. I'm taking the iron supplement again. In another week I'll get the results from the viral load test. Now and then I'm strong enough to do errands, and go for tests. Yesterday I saw the sky colors at sunset.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


The ribivarin is educating the interferon, which is alerting T-cells that the Hep C is a virus and needs to be killed. I hope.

My forehead is always hot, my arms flush red at times, I'm achy and lethargic. So, it does resemble a mild flu. I address symptoms and try to get lots of rest.

Next week the lab tests will include assessing viral load. That may give us an early clue to how well the treatment is working.

Patience and hope.