Be Happy

Be Happy
Watercolor by Renee Locks, from Brush Dance

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Rarely Posting

I rarely post on this blog anymore. I don't think anyone reads it, and I enjoy the interaction on a forum or social site. I post on Hep C Nomads, and Facebook, and use email more than I used to.

I may still post if I want to ruminate - clarify my thoughts by writing to myself.

I'm enjoying a renaissance. My life is so much better now that I feel better. I stayed with the ribivarin and interferon treatment as long as I could stand it, not as long as prescribed. Still, I have no detectable Hep C virus now. I'll test again in December, and then the following December.

It's possible that the treatment knocked out more than one virus, as it stimulates the immune system to recognize a virus as an invader and kill it.

My attitude now is grateful and positive.