Be Happy

Be Happy
Watercolor by Renee Locks, from Brush Dance

Monday, July 6, 2009

Stopping Treatment

Treatment stopped in mid-June. My health just became worse and worse, and I could not take care of myself adequately. I was taking ribivarin and Pegasys, a form of pegylated interferon, self-administered.

Symptoms: Rash and thickening of skin increasing since mid-November.
It was like poison ivy on top of a bad sunburn.
Itching, somewhat helped by cool water, hydrocortisone ointment, and recommended lotion, Gold Bond.
Flushing, the heat radiating from my skin four to six hours at a time. Ice packs help, but I can't sleep and apply ice packs at the same time.
Fatigue and increasing weakness and dizziness.
Confusion, inability to concentrate on tasks.
Debilitating effects of isolation and poor nutrition.

My skin is already healing. I have been able to stay up more hours, though I'm still not sleeping much at night. It's a relief to make a decision and turn my attention to regaining some strength, and spending more time with people.

If I try treatment again, I will know that I need much more help for daily life than I thought.

1 comment:

Lucy At Home said...

I just found out that you're a member of the Nomads and have stopped treatment. I hope that the 7 months you completed is enough to wipe out the virus forever.
All the best,