Be Happy

Be Happy
Watercolor by Renee Locks, from Brush Dance

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

I've just spent hours on HepC Nomads, and on links and blogs referred to there. Suddenly my community is expanding even more. Literate blogs, passionate discussions, information, kindness and compassion all days.

My resolutions or plans:

1. Lose weight, eat healthily, and exercise
I'm looking into Shrinkathon, a 12 week program in which people raise money for a charity - say, a dollar for each pound lost.
The Fibromyalgia Cookbook - looks interesting - I can at least reduce the amount of sugar, dairy and gluten I eat, even though I'm pessimistic about getting them out of my life.
Tai Chi classes start in mid-January. Now I can travel to them and meet a schedule, as my recovery has brought more consistent energy.
Resume STEPS program, recording daily steps shown on my pedometer.

2. Help start a local support group for people with HCV.
This will be my way to live up to The Charter for Compassion. (see

3. Sign up for the volunteer speakers' program of American Liver Foundation to give presentations on Hepatitis C and its treatment options.

Welcome, Year of Possibilities!


suburban mom said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I can't wait to hear how your support group goes. It's hard to believe an area as big as where you live didn't have one already. We only have three in our group with the last one taking her last pills on Sunday. We still will get together though.

Take care.

Christine Darling said...

Hello! Found your blog because you posted the comment on the Renee Locks images - my company publishes her works.

I'll be back to read more. Good luck with your resolutions, I'm still working on figuring all of mine out - those last few days of 2009 zipped right by!