Be Happy

Be Happy
Watercolor by Renee Locks, from Brush Dance

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Preparing to be a Battlefield

Preparing to be a battlefield for PEG-Intron and Ribivarin vs. the Hepatitis C virus, I tried to remember what was helpful or comforting when I've had a bad case of influenza.

I'll need lots of liquids.

Cracked ice and flat ginger ale are recommended.

Part of the time I may be too weak and/or miserable to go to the kitchen. I bought a sturdy bed tray with legs that can stay near me to give access to fluids, ice, tissues, medicine, a phone, the TV remote, a small radio with ear plugs, a small cooler for water, diluted juice, and ginger ale (I like Jamaica Ginger Beer; it has enough ginger to settle my stomach). I'll get some supplies before treatment starts, and ask for help when I run out of them.

If I'm strong enough to be hungry, I should be strong enough to get up and get myself something to eat. Simple foods in small amounts.

If I'm lucky, I may only be that weak or feverish one or two days a week.

Someone described the treatment as being hit by a Mack truck. I feel the Mack truck is hitting the virus. The worse I feel, the harder my immune system is fighting, right?

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